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OpenStack to OpenStack Migration - Security Migration

Posted on 5th Sep 2023

You need to apply this patch manually for the code shared below to work seamlessly, including versions 1.4.0 and 1.5.0 of openstacksdk. Lets create our script named "," alongside our previous script, we will start by performing the imports in the "",...

OpenStack to OpenStack Migration - Flavor Migration

Posted on 4th Sep 2023

You need to apply this patch manually for the code shared below to work seamlessly, including versions 1.4.0 and 1.5.0 of openstacksdk. Now that our user and project have been created on the newstack, we can proceed to migrate our flavors. When migrating the flavors, we will not only migrate...

OpenStack to OpenStack Migration - Project Migration

Posted on 1st Sep 2023

You need to apply this patch manually for the code shared below to work seamlessly, including versions 1.4.0 and 1.5.0 of openstacksdk. Now that our user has been created on the newstack, we can proceed to migrate our project. During this process, we will not only migrate the project itself...

OpenStack to OpenStack Migration - User Migration

Posted on 31st Aug 2023

In our previous article, user statuses were as follows: First of all, let's create our connection code as a Python script. For example, name it Then, let's write the following code snippet into this connection file. import pprint import openstack # Initialize PP and turn...

OpenStack to OpenStack Migration - Preparation

Posted on 30th Aug 2023

To perform the migration process, first, we need to be in an environment where we can connect to both clouds at an admin level. Additionally, considering that the disks and volumes in our cloud to be migrated are on NFS, the environment should also be able to mount these NFS points. Let's proceed st...

OpenStack to OpenStack Migration - Deployment Info

Posted on 29th Aug 2023

I kept the installation on my personal computer relatively simple to avoid unnecessary complexity. It can be said that I adjusted this simplicity in a way that wouldn't make a difference to the actual process that was carried out. Speaking of the system installation: We have a system consisting of...